Water System User Manual

Chapter 8 RMON 129
Reference for the BayStack 380-24F Gigabit Switch Management Software
Enabling Ethernet statistics gathering
You can use RMON to gather Ethernet statistics.
To gather Ethernet statistics:
1 From the Device Manager main menu, choose RMON > Control.
The RMONControl dialog box opens with the History tab displayed
(Figure 60 on page 126).
2 Click the Ether Stats tab.
The Ether Stats tab opens (Figure 62).
Figure 62 RMONControl dialog box — Ether Stats tab
Table 49 describes the Ether Stats tab fields.
Table 49 Ether Stats tab fields
Field Description
Index A unique value assigned to each interface. An index identifies an
entry in a table.
Port Any Ethernet interface on the device.
Owner The network management system which created this entry.