Water System User Manual

32 Chapter 1 Device Manager basics
Using the buttons in Device Manager dialog boxes
Table 9 describes buttons in Device Manager dialog boxes. Not all buttons appear
in all dialog boxes.
Table 9 Device Manager buttons
Button Name Description
Insert Opens a dialog box to create a new entry for a table; then
from the dialog box, inserts the new entry in the table.
Copy Copies selected cells from a table.
Paste Pastes copied values to a currently selected table cell.
Causes changed (but not applied) fields to revert to their
previous values.
Print Table or
Print Graph
Prints the table or graph that is displayed.
Stop/Refresh Stops the current action (compiling, saving, and so forth).
If you are updating or compiling a large data table, the
Refresh button changes to a Stop button while this action
is taking place. Clicking the Stop button interrupts the
polling process.
Export Data Exports information to a file you specify. You can then
import this file into a text editor or spreadsheet for further