Water System User Manual

54 Chapter 2 Configuring and graphing the switch
Table 18 describes the Agent tab fields.
Table 18 Agent tab fields
Item Description
NextBootpAddr The IP address of the BootP server to be used the next time
the switch is booted.
NextBootNetMask The subnet mask to be used the next time the switch is
LoadServerAddr The IP address of the load server for the configuration file
and/or the image file. If not used, then the value is
ImageFileName Name of the image file(s) currently associated with the
interface. When the object is not used, the value is a zero
length string.
ValidFlag Indicates if the configuration and/or image file(s) were
downloaded from this interface and if the file names have not
been changed.
BootRouterAddr The IP address of the boot router for the configuration file
and/or the image file.
MacAddr The switch’s MAC address.