Water System User Manual

84 Chapter 3 Configuring and graphing ports
VLAN tab for multiple ports
The VLAN tab shows the VLAN membership for the selected ports.
To view or edit the Interface tab for multiple ports:
1 Select the ports that you want to edit.
[Ctrl] + left-click the ports that you want to configure. A yellow outline
appears around the selected ports.
OperStatus Current operational state of the interface, which can be one of the
If AdminStatus is up, then OperStatus should be up if the interface is
ready to transmit and receive network traffic. If AdminStatus is down,
then OperStatus should be down. It should remain in the down state if
and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up state.
The testing state indicates that no operational packets can be passed.
LastChange Value of the time the interface entered its current operational state. If
the current state was entered prior to the last reinitialization of the local
network management subsystem, the value is zero.
Speed The estimate bandwidth of the interface in bits per second (bps). For
interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth or have no way to estimate the
bandwidth, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. If the
bandwidth of the interface is greater than the maximum value reported
by the object, then the object displays its maximum value
(4,294,967,295). For a sub-layer that has no concept of bandwidth, the
object should be zero.
AutoNegotiate Indicates whether the port is enabled (checked) for autonegotiation or
AdminDuplex The administrative duplex mode of the port (full).
OperDuplex Indicate duplex value of the port.
AdminSpeed The speed of a port: 1000 mbps
OperSpeed The current operating speed of the port.
MltId The MultiLink Trunk to which the port is assigned (if any).
Table 31 Interface tab fields for multiple ports (continued)
Field Description