Installation Instructions

This booklet describes the steps required to install Novabrik on a standard wood
frame construction. Its purpose is to provide basic information that will simplify
the installation process while assuring successful results.
This guide does not claim to cover all situations that may occur. If your project
involves a different building frame, such as steel studs, SIPs, concrete blocks
or insulated concrete forms, among others, please consult your dealer or
Novabrik manufacturer for installation details. You may also visit our web site at for further information.
Building codes and regulations vary throughout the country. Be sure to check
with your local code official for specific framing requirements in your area. For
further information you can refer to the Evaluation Reports on the inside
cover of this guide or visit the Novabrik web site.
The information and product applications illustrated in this manual have been
carefully compiled by Novabrik International Inc. and its Licensed Producers, and
to the best of our knowledge it accurately represents the use of Novabrik. Final
determination of the suitability of any information or material for the contemplated
use and its manner of use is the sole responsibility of the user.
Novabrik can be used on new constructions and for remodeling. Novabrik hangs
on the wall, therefore no brick ledge is required.
For buildings not built on structural footings, check with a local building professional
to make sure your foundation will adequately handle the added weight.
When a section of a wall wraps over the
top of the roof, we call it a “floater”. This
area will need extra support prior to the
installation of Novabrik.
Check with a professional builder or
engineer to determine the structural
requirements for the added weight.
Use and Restrictions
Height of veneer
Novabrik is limited to a height of 30 ft. (9144mm) at top of plate.
Heights may be increased when specified by a structural
engineer and approved by building officials.