User's Manual

LPP0108IG001 12 Version - Preliminary – 06/20/08
GSM Transmit Power
1800/1900 MHz ............................ GSM Power Class 1 (30 dBm 2 dB @ antenna connection)
850/900 MHz ................................ GSM Power Class 4 (33 dBm 2 dB @ antenna connection)
GSM/GPRS Receiver Sensitivity (Typical)
1800/1900 MHz ............................ <-106 dBm, GPRS Coding Scheme 1 (CS1)
850/900 MHz ................................ <-106 dBm, GPRS Coding Scheme 1 (CS1)
4.5. General design guidelines for utilizing Enfora GSM modules
The following guidelines are provided in an effort to allow Enabler LPP G module users to
successfully implement their PCB layout to obtain the best performance. This includes the lowest
possible EMI emissions, maximum thermal conduction, mechanical integrity, and voice quality. The
Enabler LPP G module is a very compact, high performance design, yet it is easy to interface into the
final product. In order to realize its full potential, designers should pay close attention to ground
structures, the routing of RF and Digital traces, and the size of the power supply lines.
These design tips are strictly guidelines and are not
meant to be a complete list of items that guarantee
actual performance. Each application is different and
may require variation from these guidelines; however,
care should be given to utilize these sound engineering
principles whenever possible.