User's Manual

Table Of Contents
56 Modem Manager Reference
Manual Revision 1.0 P/N 90023333
The General tab contains the following items:
The History tab, shown in Figure 89, displays the date, time, and current modem and network
session activities. This tab is useful when attempting to diagnose problems with your modem or
your network connection.
Figure 89 History tab
Current Status Bar This bar, located at the top of the window, displays the cur-
rent status of the modem and the network connection.
Default Connection
This field displays the name of the connection profile you
have designated as the default connection setting.
Available Service Field This field displays the type of network you are currently
using (GPRS or GSM).
Carrier Field This field displays the name of the carrier currently provid-
ing your service. The name displayed in this field may
change, depending on your geographical location and
your service provider's roaming agreements.
Signal Strength Field This field displays the modem's signal strength in dBm
(decibals below 1 milliwatt).
Bit Error Rate This field displays the percentage of bits that have been
received in error compared to the total number of bits
received. The Bit Error Rate will only be visible once your
modem has established a network connection.
Text Messages This field displays the number of new text messages you
have received. This field will only be visible if your modem
is configured to support text (SMS) messaging.