User's Manual

Data Signal
Data Signal displays the network Data Signal strength on the Data Signal indicator using one to ve
bars, and provides Data Strength details including the network type, dBm RSRP measurement, and
dB RSRQ measurement.
On the LTE Internet and Home Phone Display
To display Data Signal strength details:
➊ Press the select button on the Home screen to display the Menu options.
âž‹ Using the scroll button, scroll to the Data Signal icon and press the select button to open the
Data Signal screen and display the current Data Signal details.
➌ Select Close to return to the Menu options.
On the LTE Internet and Home Phone Web User Interface
To display the Data Signal strength indicator on the LTE Internet and Home Phone Web User
Interface, connect with the router and go to http://VerizonBRV. The Data Signal strength indicator
displays in the status bar at the top of the web interface.