User's Manual Part 1

64 OEMV Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 5B
Chapter 4 Operation
1. Select the Group
Ensure your antenna is in the correct position on the base or rover.
DLVTool is available from our website at: http://
The the DL-V3 captures sets of logs using log groups. You create a group in DLVTool and then upload
the group to the DL-V3.
Launch DLVTool from the Start menu folder specified during the installation process. The default
location is Start | Programs | NovAtel OEMV | DLVTool. Select the Group Editor button. Check the
logs in the group that you want to log to the DL-V3. Ensure the logs you want to send to the CF card
are shown as File in the Log To column of the Group Editor dialog’s Logs tab. If necessary, use the
Edit button to change the Log To field value. Click OK in the Edit Log dialog, if open, and return to
the Group Editor dialog.
2. Edit the Site
In the Group Editor dialog, select a group from the Group Name drop-down list, and select the Site
tab. Check the Automatically Log Site on Startup and the Include Site Information checkboxes. Then
enter a site name or number, and the height of the antenna ‘lip’ from the site you are measuring.
Place the tape measure from the lip to where the tip of the antenna pole touches the
ground (do not measure straight down). The slant from the edge of the antenna is
different than when the measurement is straight down.
Add 33 mm to the measured reading. This makes up for the distance of the antenna
element to the lip on NovAtel 700-series antennas.
Click OK for your input to take effect and return you to the main DLVTool window.
You can now log a site and the site information is written to the log file.
3. Start the Data Logging
Select the UpLoad button. Once connected, select the group to upload to the DL-V3 from the list of
groups on the PC: panel of the Upload dialog. Select the UpLoad to DLV button to copy the group to
the DL-V3.
Repeat these steps to upload more log groups. Up to 5 log groups can be stored in the DL-V3 at once.
Select a log group in the DLV: panel of the Upload dialog and click Start to activate it. You are now
logging a new site.
4. Stop the Data Logging
In the Upload dialog, click on the Stop button to stop logging data. Once the data logging has stopped,
it is no longer writing to the card. While you move the antenna, the receiver is still functioning but it is
not logging data. To start a new site at a new location, repeat steps #1 to #4. Information is appended
to the CF card file.