User's Manual Part 1

86 OEMV Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 5B
Chapter 5 Positioning Modes of Operation
Canada/America-Wide CDGPS
In order to enable CDGPS positioning, you must set the L-Band frequency for the geographically
appropriate CDGPS signal using the ASSIGNLBAND command. See also Section 5.4.3, L-Band
Commands and Logs starting on Page 90 for information on this command.
The CDGPS signal is broadcast on 4 different spot beams on the MSAT-1 satellite. Depending on your
geographic location, there is a different frequency for the CDGPS signal as shown in Figure 27 on
Page 86.
Figure 27: CDGPS Frequency Beams
The following are the spot beam names and their frequencies (in KHz or Hz):
East 1547646 or 1547646000
East-Central 1557897 or 1557897000
West-Central 1557571 or 1557571000
West 1547547 or 1547547000
The CDGPS service does not include the MSAT Alaska/Hawaii beam shown in Figure 27.
The data signal is structured to perform well in difficult, or foliated conditions, so the service is
available more consistently than other services and has a high degree of service reliability.
CDGPS features wide area technology, possible spatial integrity with all Government of Canada maps
and surveys
, 24-hour/7 days-a-week built-in network redundancies and an openly published
broadcast protocol.