User's Manual Part 1

OEMV Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 5B 99
Chapter 6 PC Software and Firmware
Visit the Firmware and Software Updates section of the NovAtel website,, for the
most recent versions of the PC software and receiver firmware.
6.1 CDU/Convert/DLVTool Installation
The CD accompanying this manual contains the Windows applications CDU (Control and Display
Unit), Convert and DLVTool. They are installed via a standard Install Shield set-up application. Also
included on the CD is sample source code, to aid development of software for interfacing with the
receiver, and product documentation.
These applications utilize a database in their operations so the necessary components of the Borland
Database Engine (BDE) are installed as well as the necessary database tables and an alias for the
database. The install set-up application does all this automatically so you have only to select where
you would like the applications installed on your PC. It is strongly recommended that you close all
applications before installing CDU, Convert and DLVTool. You must close any applications that may
be using the BDE before installing. The install set-up modifies the BDE configuration so that it can
recognize the new CDU, Convert and DL4Tool database.
The software operates from your PCs hard drive. You will need to install the software from the CD
supplied by NovAtel or from our website:
1. Start Microsoft Windows.
2. Place the NovAtel CD in your CD-ROM drive. If the setup utility is not automatically accessible,
follow these steps:
a. Select Run from the Start menu.
b. Select the Browse button.
c. Locate Setup.exe on the CD drive and select Open.
d. Select OK to run the setup utility.
3. Advance through the steps provided by the setup utility.
When the installation is complete, click on a program icon to launch the application.
DLVTool (for the DL-V3) and DL4Tool (for the DL-4plus) is available to download from our
website at
. Log groups are sets of logs
used by the DL-V3. A log group can be created in DLVTool and then downloaded to the DL-
V3. Refer to the DL-V3 Firmware Reference Manual, on our website at http://, for more details on DLVTool and its use. If
applicable, refer also to your DL-V3 Quick Start Guide.
6.2 CDU