User's Manual Part 2

Technical Specifications Appendix A
OEMV Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 5B 135
Figure 48: Top-view of 20-Pin Connector on the OEMV-1
Descriptions Pin
LNA_PWR Input DC Power supply for external antenna LNA 1
Input DC DC power supply for card 2
USB D (-) Bi-directional USB interface data (-) 3
USB D (+) /
Multiplexed Multiplexed pin behavior
default: USB D (+)
RESETIN See strobes Card reset 5
VARF / CAN1_Rx Multiplexed Multiplexed pin behavior, see strobes
default: VARF
Event2 / CAN1_Tx Multiplexed Multiplexed pin behavior, see strobes
default: Event2
CAN2_RX Bi-directional CAN Bus dedicated port 8
Event1 / COM3_Tx Multiplexed Multiplexed pin behavior, see strobes
default: Event1
GND Ground Digital Ground 10
COM1_Tx Output Transmitted Data for COM 1 output 11
COM1_Rx Input Received Data for COM 1 input 12
GND Ground Digital Ground 13
COM2_Tx Output Transmitted Data for COM 2 output 14
COM2_Rx Input Received Data for COM 2 input 15
GND Ground Digital Ground 16
PV See strobes Output indicates 'good solution' or valid GPS position
when high
GND Ground Digital Ground 18
TIMEMARK See strobes Pulse output synchronized to GPS Time 19
CAN2_TX Bi-directional CAN Bus dedicated port 20
a. A bi-directional Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) device is included between 3.3V and
ground. Input/Output (I/O) lines are protected by TVS devices. Series resistance is included
for the following I/O lines: COM1/COM2/COM3 Tx and Rx, RESETIN, Event1 and
Event2. Lines that do not have series resistance include: CAN1_Tx, CAN1_Rx, CAN2_Tx,
CAN2_Rx, USB D (+) and USB D (-).
Pin 1
Pin 19
Pin 2
Pin 2