User's Manual

Table Of Contents
20 Sends Mode - This Mode allows you to control Track Sends values using the pots. To select
this mode, hold the Shift button and press the Sends pad. On the first press the pots will be assigned
to Send A, on the second press they will be assigned to Send B.
Note: a mode cannot be assigned to both the pots and the faders at the same time. If a mode is
already mapped to the Faders, then the respective pad will appear red while Shift is held, pressing a
pad whilst in this state will not assign the Pots to that mode.
2.3.2 Faders (49 & 61 Key Models Only)
The 9 faders provide hands-on, linear control over a range of Ableton Live’s mixer parameters. To
select one of these modes hold the Shift button (highlighted in red below) and press the respective
Fader button (highlighted in blue below). When your Launchkey is connected to Live, the faders will
default to Volume Mode. In this mode the first 8 faders control Ableton Track Volumes. The 9th Fader
always controls the Master Volume no matter what mode is selected. The faders can also be set to
control the Send A, Send B levels.
Note: a Mode cannot be assigned to both the pots and the faders at the same time. If a mode is
already mapped to the pots, then the respective Fader button will appear red while Shift is held,
pressing a Fader button whilst in this state will not assign the faders to that mode.
2.4 Device Mode - Navigating and Controlling Devices
Device mode allows you to control an Ableton “Device” (Ableton or 3rd-party instruments and effects)
on a Live track. When your Launchkey is connected to Live, the pots will automatically sync to the first
device within the current Live track. Control over devices can also be assigned to the Faders (49 &
61 key models only), to do this first ensure that the pots are not already assigned to Device mode (a
mode cannot be assigned to both pots and faders at the same time) then hold the Shift button and
press the 1st Fader button. To re-assign control over devices to the Pots hold the Shift button and
press the first pad in the top row.