User's Manual

Table Of Contents
2.1.9 Arm/ Select (61 & 49 Key Models Only)
The “Arm/ Select” button (highlighted in red below) is used to set the functionality of the 8 “Fader
Buttons’” (highlighted below in blue) to either arm tracks, enabling recording; or to select a track.
While set to Arm the buttons light up red when a track is armed for recording and dim red when not.
Unlit buttons show that no track is associated with the fader.
When set to Select the colour of the buttons will match the tracks in Live. Pushing a Fader Button
(highlighted blue) will select that track.
2.2 Drum Mode - Playing and Recording Drums
To enter Drum Mode hold the Shift button and press the Drum pad (2nd from the bottom left).
Drum mode transforms your Launchkey’s pads into velocity-sensitive drum pads.
If a Drum Rack is loaded onto the selected Live track, and your Launchkey is in Drum mode, the pads
light up the colour of the track. When played the pads will light up green. These pads will play
whatever Drum Rack pads are visible on your computer screen. Pressing the ▲▼ buttons scrolls up/
down through a Drum Rack’s bank of 128 pads, each press moves up or down the rack in banks of 16.