User's Manual

Using Ableton Live’s Mixer
The Launchkey Mini’s 8 knobs (in the red box above) give you hands-on control of Live’s mixer. Hold
Shift, then press either the Volume, Pan or Sends pads (in thee blue box above) to control those
respective parameters with the knobs.
Volume - This mode allows for volume control over the 8 selected tracks currently inside
Live’s coloured rectangle. Holding the Shift button and pressing the Volume pad (the 4th
from the top right) selects this mode.
Pan - This mode allows you to pan the 8 selected tracks currently inside Live’s coloured
rectangle. Holding the Shift button and pressing the Pan pad (the 3rd from the top right)
selects this mode.
Sends - This mode allows you to control the send levels of tracks in Ableton Live. Hold Shift and
press the Sends pad (2nd from the top right) to enter this mode.
When in Sends mode two purple pads on the bottom row will switch between Send A or Send B. The
left purple pad chooses Send A, and the right purple pad selects Send B.
Sending audio to return tracks is a great way to use fewer audio effects. For example, instead of
putting the same reverb on many tracks, you can put one reverb on a return track and send
multiple tracks to it.