User's Manual

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Pressing the Arp button on the right of Launchkey enables the Arpeggiator. After engaging Arp the
Launchkey takes your chords and creates an arpeggio – ie it plays each note of the chord one after
another. The Arpeggiator will run as long as keys are held, at the rhythmic value specified by the Arp
Launchkey’s Arp is a great way to come up with interesting melodies and progressions with ease.
Arpeggiator Rotary Knobs
When you hold the Arp button the rotary knobs can transform your arpeggios.
Tempo – This knob speeds up or slows down your arpeggio relative to the Arp Rate. When
Launchkey Mini is used as a standalone controller, this knob ranges from 40 BPM to 240
BPM. However, when synced with Ableton Live, this knob will have no effect.
Swing – This knob sets the amount that every other note is delayed, resulting in a swung
rhythm. To change the Arpeggiator’s Swing, press and hold the Arp button, and then turn the knob
labelled Swing. By default (centre position), swing will be set to 50% (meaning no swing), with
extremes of 80% (very swung) and 20% (negative swing). Negative swing means every other note is
rushed, instead of delayed.
Gate – Adjusting this knob will create longer or shorter MIDI notes, resulting in either a
more ‘staccato’ arpeggio, or a more fluid, ‘legato’ one. This knob goes from 1% to 200% of the
space between notes. For notes that have swing applied, both notes retain the same gate length.
Mutate – After you select Mutate as the Arp Mode, hold the Arp button and turn this knob to
add random notes to your arpeggio. A new ‘mutation’ occurs with each turn of the knob.
When you stop turning the knob notes are set and will repeat indefinitely.
Deviate – After selecting Deviate as your Arp Rhythm, turn this knob to make rhythmic variations.
With every turn of this knob, you’ll create a different pattern of rests.