User's Manual

Arp Rhythms
Arp Rhythms add musical rests (silent steps) to your arpeggio’s pattern, allowing for greater
variations in your arpeggios. Hold Arp then press one of the following, which will turn the pads yellow.
Dots - These three options are rhythmic patterns.
O – The normal Arpeggiator setting, this places a note on every division of the selected Arp rate.
OXO (note - rest - note) – This rhythm adds a rest between every pair of notes.
OXXO (note - rest - rest - note) – This pattern adds two rests between every pair
of notes.
Random - This option creates random rests for random lengths. Each step has a 50% chance of
being either a note or a rest. In the case that it is a rest, the note is shifted to the next step and is
not skipped.
Deviate - This is the most unique Arp Rhythm, and makes many variations of notes. It uses the
Deviate rotary knob, where every turn creates a different rest pattern.
Latch lets you use the Arpeggiator without holding down keys. Any notes you press and release
concurrently will form a new arpeggio pattern which the arpeggiator ‘latches’ onto. The arpeggiator
then continues to play as if you never released the keys. When you press a new key, the previous
arpeggio erases and a new one forms.
To turn on Latch, press and hold the Arp button, and then press the key below ‘Latch’. The pad
below Volume will change from red to light green when you enable Latch, and you can see this pad
whether you’re adjusting the Arp Mode, Rate, Octave or Rhythm.