User's Manual

Working with HUI (Pro Tools, Cubase)
‘HUI’ (Human User Interface Protocol) allows the Launchkey Mini to act like a Mackie HUI device and
therefore work with DAWs that provide HUI support. DAWs that support HUI include Steinberg’s
Cubase and Nuendo, Avid Pro Tools, and MOTU Digital Performer, among others. Most aspects of
Launchkey Mini will work according to the Hardware Overview, seen earlier in this guide. Likewise,
the behaviour described in the Arp and Fixed Chord sections remains applicable for HUI-supported
DAWs. The following pages will describe some of the less obvious functionality when Launchkey Mini
acts as a control surface via HUI.
Pro Tools Setup
Setting up the Launchkey Mini in Pro Tools is done by going to:
Setup > Peripherals…
From there select the ‘MIDI controllers’ tab, and copy the settings shown above.