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8.4 Setting up a Custom Mode
To set up a Custom Mode, open Novation Components and connect your Launchpad Pro.
8.4.A – Setting up a Custom Mode in Novation Components
Within a Custom Mode, each pad within the 8x8 grid may act as a Note, a CC (control change), or a
Program Change message.
The pads may behave either as toggles, triggers or momentary switches. Momentary behaviour will
turn on a note when the pad is pressed and release the note when un-pressed. Triggers will always
send a specified CC value or program change message.
Full rows and columns of pads may also act as faders. Faders can be assigned CC values and may be
unipolar or bipolar. Faders may also be positioned horizontally or vertically.
Pads within a Custom Mode may be assigned an “on” and “off” colour for when pads within the 8x8
grid are pressed/toggled. (e.g. when a note is being played or a temporary CC change is toggled).
There may only be one “on” colour per Custom Mode, but each pad may have a unique “off” colour.
Custom Modes may have any combination of notes, CCs, program changes and faders – you can set
up your own personalised control surface for your studio.
For more hands-on information on how to create your own Custom Modes, visit components for an
interactive tutorial.