User Manual

Custom 2
is a chromatic layout that is representative of a traditional
piano/keyboard. As with all custom modes, this mode will not respond to changing
Custom 3
is a non-lit version of Custom 2. Sending MIDI notes to this layout will
light the pads according to the velocity of the incoming notes.
Custom 4
is a non-lit layout with different note values to Custom 3. The note values
match Programmer Mode, but for the 8x8 grid only.
Setting up a Custom Mode in Novation Components
Custom Modes are created and edited on Novation Components. When
Components is loaded on your computer, Launchpad X will connect automatically.
If the product name next to the home icon (in the top right-hand corner) is not
Launchpad X, press the home icon and select Launchpad X from the list of