User's Manual

Volume: Control the volume levels of the tracks within the currently selected 8x8
area in Session view. Volume faders are vertical.
Pan: Control the stereo panning of the tracks within the currently selected 8x8 area
in Session view. Pans will show horizontally - the top pan represents the leftmost
track, and the bottom represents the rightmost.
Send A: Control the send level of the tracks within the currently selected 8x8 area in
Session view to Send A. Send faders are vertical.
Send B: Control the send level of the tracks within the currently selected 8x8 area in
Session view to send B. Send faders are vertical.
Stop Clip: Overlay the bottom row of pads with Stop Clip triggers. When pressed,
the clip in the corresponding track will stop playing at the end of the phrase.
Mute: Overlay the bottom row of pads with Mute track toggles. When pressed, the
clip in the corresponding track will stop playing.
Solo: Overlay the bottom row of pads with Solo track toggles. When pressed, the
clip in the corresponding track will stop playing.
Record Arm: Overlay the bottom row of pads with Record Arm track toggles. When
pressed, the clip in the corresponding track will stop playing.
In Mixer mode, the Scene Launch buttons will become Mixer Functions corresponding to the text on
each button.
When a Mixer function is pressed, it will be lit brightly to indicate that it is selected. Pressing the
same Mixer function once more will deselect it. Unselected mixer functions will be lit dim white.
Volume, Pan, Send A and Send B are each sets of 8 faders. The faders are vertical for Volume,
Send A and Send B, whereas they are horizontal for Pan (see below). Press a pad to move the fader
position up and down (or left to right).
Faders are velocity sensitive. Hitting a pad on a fader hard will cause the value to move quickly, while
pressing a pad softly will result in a more gradual change of the value.