User's Manual

Setting up a Custom Mode in Novation Components
Custom Modes are created and edited on Novation Components. When Components is loaded on
your computer, Launchpad X will connect automatically.
If the product name next to the home icon (in the top right-hand corner) is not Launchpad X, press the
home icon and select Launchpad X from the list of products.
Within a Custom Mode, each pad within the 8x8 grid may act as a Note, a MIDI CC (control change),
or a Program Change message.
The pads may behave either as toggles, triggers or momentary switches. Momentary behaviour will
turn on a note when the pad is pressed and release the note when un-pressed. Triggers will always
send a specified CC value or program change message.
Full rows and columns of pads may also act as faders. Faders can be assigned CC values and may be
unipolar or bipolar. Faders may be positioned horizontally or vertically.