User's Manual

To switch between Live Mode and Programmer Mode, enter the settings menu by
pressing and holding Session briefly. Press the green Scene Launch button to enter
Live Mode, or the orange Scene Launch button to enter Programmer Mode.
Launchpad X will always power on into Live Mode.
Live and Programmer Mode
Live Mode and Programmer Mode are the two states that Launchpad X can be used in.
In Live mode, Launchpad X will function as normal & you may access Session Mode, Note Mode and
Custom Mode.
In Programmer mode Launchpad X loses access to Session Mode, Note Mode and Custom Modes,
and the entire surface (pads and buttons) becomes unlit. Each pad and button will send out a
specified MIDI message when pressed.
The pads and buttons may be lit up by sending their corresponding MIDI messages to Launchpad X.
For more information see the Programmer Reference Guide, which can be downloaded at customer.
Bootloader Menu
Launchpad X’s bootloader menu allows you to change LED brightness, LED feedback, mass storage
device availability, and device ID.
To enter the bootloader menu, hold Capture MIDI when plugging in Launchpad X.