Product Info

7. Editing the TAG information of the music in the Music DB
You can edit the TAG information of music such as the title, artist, album, year or genre by
following the steps below:
Place the cursor on the music you wish to edit.
Press the MENU button and select TAG Edit and confirm with the
OK button. The screen below is then displayed.
Using the remote control or USB keyboard you can edit the
Select OK and confirm with the OK button.
TIP You can edit scanned music in the Music DB of the N25
easily using the WebInterface.
In case that 'playing section' is already set, each key works like below.
* -15(SEEK) Key: Pressing the -15 Key one time makes 'Playing Point' move backward by 15
seconds playing time.
* +15(SEEK) Key: Pressing the +15 Key one time makes 'Playing Point' move forward by 15
seconds playing time.
* LEFT ARROW Key: When 'Playing Point' is below 50% of total playing time, LEFT ARROW key
will make 'Starting Point' move backward by 0.25 seconds
* RIGHT ARROW Key: When 'Playing Point' is below 50% of total playing time, RIGHT ARROW
key will make 'Starting Point' move forward by 0.25 seconds
* LEFT ARROW Key: When 'Playing Point' is over 50% of total playing time, LEFT ARROW key will
make 'Ending Point' move backward by 0.25 seconds
* RIGHT ARROW Key: When 'Playing Point' is over 50% of total playing time, RIGHT ARROW key
will make 'Ending Point' move forward by 0.25 seconds
* PREVIOUS key: 'From current point to end' will be playing section.
* NEXT key: 'From beginning to current point' will be playing section.
* STOP key: Playing section will be cleared.