Product Info

15-8. Cut the recorded file (Cut ‘Playing Section’)
NOTE: This cutting function works on Browser mode only.
15-9. Create Folder
Via this function, you can make a folder in the Browser as you want.
Go to inside of HDD or USB
② Press MENU key to open menu popup
③ Select 'Create Folder' and confirm it with OK
④ Left screen will show up. You can put folder name and
confirm it with OK
For example, you recorded iRadio like left screen.
If you go into 'IRadio Recording' folder of HDD1 via
Browser, there will be the recorded file (FM - Start It Up.mp3 )
Play the file
Set 'Playing Section' as mentioned on 6-3-5. Set ‘Playing
Section’ to play it repeatedly (Page 69)
Press MENU key to show up POPUP
Select 'Cut to Wave file' and confirm it with OK key
Progress message
Go into 'IRadio Recording' folder. There will be same name
of Wave file.
If you cut a Wave file, serial number will be added at the
end of the file name.