Technical data

NOXON iRadio 400+/460+
Setting up the wireless connection on the NOXON
Whilestill inits factorydefault state,theNOXON willstart theconguration wizardto
complete the integration in your network.
Your WiFi network
WiFi network of your neigh...
[Manual config]
It starts listing for you all networks it has found.
Your network should be among them. This looks
something like this.
Please select “your” network now. If the network you are looking for does not appear, you
can repeat the search via the [Rescan] menu item. Perhaps your NOXON iRadio is sim-
ply too far away from the router, or there are too many walls and other obstacles between
the two devices? Go ahead and place the NOXON right next to the router to eliminate
distance as a possible source of errors.
If at this point, you decide that you would rather connect your radio to the router, select
the menu item [Wired].
After successfully selecting the network you have to enter the network password. At
least, you have to if you have encrypted your WLAN router properly. We’d like to take this
opportunity to urgently recommend that you do just that. But back to the matter at hand.
0123456789. _ @,
Enter the password for your WLAN router via the
navigation dial: turn the dial to select the letters
and numbers, and press the dial to conrm the
entry. You can nd the special characters by
scrolling further using the dial.
letter using [OK], as this would cancel the input.
router (“Please wait” appears on the screen), which – if the password is correct – logs on
the iRadio (indicated on the display with “Connected”).