Operation Manual

NOXON iRadio Cube
5.1 If you are using a proxy server…
For users of proxy servers, the procedure is different as of Item 3. Proxy servers are common in companies and
other major Internet users. Check the Internet settings of Internet Explorer on a computer connected to the same net-
work to see whether your network is using a proxy server.
Open Internet Explorer, select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu
and select the "Connections" tab. On the bottom third of the tab, you'll
find the "LAN Settings..." button. Press the button to open the dialogue
box shown here.
If a proxy server has been activated there, use the same settings for the
1-3) To set up the NOXON to work with a proxy server, follow steps 1 &
2 as described above… and in step 3 (Enable Proxy Server Yes/No),
select YES!
4) Then select "Change" ...
5) ... and enter the name ("proxy_internet") or the IP address. The but-
tons you need to make an entry: the number buttons 0-9, 1 for dots,
Left/Right to move the cursor, + for upper/lower case, Up/Down to
"scroll" characters, Skip back to delete a character entered by mistake!
(see chapter 3.1. et seq.) Then press the Right button to confirm...
6) ... enter the correct port—8080 is very common—and the proxy is set
up. Again, if you have any doubts about the parameters, please check
with your network admin—or with the method described above (3.).
7) Now simply select "Apply Settings", and ...
...after a successful restart (and installing the software for wireless ac-
cess to the music on your hard drive), you will be able to access your
music collection across the network—and connect to thousands of Inter-
net radio stations and podcasts worldwide!