User's Manual

uniFLOW Release Station
12.2.5 Support
Here you can display, export and clear the log of the uniFLOW Release Station. The
uniFLOW Release Station support team might request a copy of the log file, in order to
solve problems more effectively.
12.2.6 Upgrade
On this screen you can upload a file to update the firmware of the uniFLOW Release
Station. For more information, refer to chapter Firmware Update (on page 23).
12.2.7 About
General information about the uniFLOW Release Station and legal info.
12.3 MiCard Configuration
The uniFLOW Release Station is available in versions with different integrated MiCard
card readers. These card readers are preconfigured with a standard configuration and
can be used in most cases without any further configuration necessary. However, if
you still want to configure specific settings for the card readers, you can do so under
Connections > Agents/Terminals > MiCard.
The MiCard PLUS reader cannot be configured in uniFLOW. Please use its configuration
utility and upload a configuration file instead. For more information, refer to chapter
Card Reader (on page 18).
For more information about the MiCard specific settings available, please refer to
chapter MiCard Configuration in the uniFLOW User Manual.
12.4 Factory Reset
It is possible to do a factory reset to the internal settings of the uniFLOW Release
1. Create an empty text file with the name: ResetToFactoryDefaults.txt.
2. Copy the file to the root folder of an USB drive formatted with FAT or FAT32 file
3. Connect the USB drive to the uniFLOW Release Station.
4. The uniFLOW Release Station detects the USB drive and if it finds the file, it resets
the settings and automatically reboots.
The following settings are reset to default:
Release Station:
o Name
o Restrict HTTP access to IP