
Sample commands
Say "What can I say" at any time to see suggestions. For more commands, see the Help.
To click a button, menu or other item, say its name preceded by Click,” e.g. "Click OK."
Pause before and after commands but not within them.
Control the microphone
Go to sleep or Stop listening
Wake up
Microphone off
Select text
Select all
Select <xyz> | line | paragraph
Select next <n> words
Select previous paragraph
Unselect that
Correct Dragons errors
Correct <xyz>
Correct that
Move the insertion point
Insert before | after <xyz>
Go to top | bottom | end of line
Go back
Move left <n> characters
Page up | down
Move in a list
Move down <n>
Press Enter
Press right arrow
Get help
What can I say
Show formatting commands
Give me help
Edit text
Resume with <xyz>
Delete <xyz> | line | paragraph
Delete last <n> words
Scratch that <n> times
Backspace <n>
Undo that
Cut | Paste that
Show Dictation Box
Spell out
Spell that
Spell <characters>, e.g. Spell cap b hyphen 5, Spell
space Charlie alpha papa
Add lines and spaces
New line | paragraph
Press Enter, Press Tab key
Tab <n> times
Bullet selection, Unbullet that
Bold the previous line
Underline | Capitalize <xyz>
ALL CAPS <word>