
3 MacSpeech DictateCredits
Powered By Dragon®, the Dragon NaturallySpeaking® speech engine
from Nuance Communications, Inc.
The above are registered trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. and
are used here under license.
All rights reserved worldwide.
AquaticPrime Framework
Copyright © 2006, Lucas Newman
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2001-2002, bDistributed.com, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2007 Chad Weider.
Some rights reserved: <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/>
Copyright © 2002-2007, Bob Frank
All rights reserved.
Shortcut Recorder
Copyright © 2006, contributors to ShortcutRecorder.
(See the contributors listed in detail <http://wafflesoftware.net/shortcut/
All rights reserved.
MacSpeech Engineering:
Jeff Ganyard
Matt Gemmell
Paul Herzog
Eric Hon-Anderson
Jesper Lindholm
Fernando Lucas S. L. Santos
Robert Stuller
Andrew Taylor
Colin Taylor
Chad Weider
…and the rest of MacSpeech:
Sheila Ganyard
Stephane Gauthier
T. Patrick Henebry
Carla Hernandez
Donald MacCormick
Fernanda Mera-Weakley
Craig Nesbitt
Nathan Nesbitt
Special Thanks To:
Nuance Communications, Inc. for their phenomenal speech engine!
Naomi Pearce and Ed Prasek for all their help introducing MacSpeech Dictate to the world!
And of course, thanks to everyone who has ever been involved with MacSpeech and iListen. MacSpeech Dictate certainly
wouldn’t be here without all your hard work and support!
This Getting Started Guide was written by Chuck Rogers.
This manual was partially written using MacSpeech Dictate.
Credit Given Where Credit Is Due:
Chuck Rogers
Janis Rogers
Anne Schwing
Michael Schwing
Brenda Shiepe
Carly Taylor