
At home
You’ve recently found a faded copy of a favorite family recipe that's been around for
generations. Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 can help capture and preserve this family
tradition. Rather than simply rewriting the recipe by hand, Dragon allows you to dictate
while you cook the ingredients, quantities, temperatures and process all in a simple
step-by-step format that anyone can follow. See below for some examples of how
someone might use Dragon at home to email a relative, capture a recipe, or search the
Web for new recipe ideas or a local grocery store.
Dragon Voice Shortcuts for Web search
1. “Search Google for Martha Stewart”
2. “Search Bing for truffle recipe”
3. “Search Yahoo! for vintage recipe box”
NOTE These shortcuts work no matter what application is currently open on your
screen. You can also navigate to specific web sites using the Web 100
commands. For example:
- Jump to CNN
- Jump to eBay
- Jump to Motley Fool
Quick Voice Formatting
1. [Open Microsoft Word] ([Launch] or [Activate] also work)
2. [File New]
3. [Caps On]
4. “Recipe for Greek pasta salad”
5. [Caps Off]
6. [Bold that]
7. [New paragraph] “Cost of all ingredients roughly fifteen dollars and 50 cents”
8. [New paragraph] “Ingredients”
9. [New line] “one cup uncooked pasta [new line] two cups frozen corn [new
line] one half cup chopped sweet red pepper [new line] one half cup grape
or cherry tomatoes”
10. [Bold uncooked; underline chopped; Capitalize red pepper]
11. [Select corn (pause while the text is selected) green beans]
12. [Select uncooked (pause) boiled]
Your text should look like this:
Recipe for Greek Pasta Salad
Cost of all ingredients roughly $15.50
1 cup boiled pasta
2 cups frozen green beans
1/2 cup chopped sweet Red Pepper
1/2 cup grape or cherry tomatoes