
Table Of Contents
Note: If the Exact downmix control is engaged (see above), the channel output
controls are not available.
3 Dialog Isolation. Where strict dialog isolation is required as part of a delivery
specification and there is no access to the original stems, the Dialog Iso
control provides access to an additional algorithm designed specifically for
isolating dialog into the centre channel.
Even where a hard Center channel is required, it is common for the main
upmix algorithm to provide sufficient isolation, however if this is not the case,
then this control may be required.
The Dialog Iso button toggles the algorithm on/off.
The Aggression setting determines how powerful the effect is (0% no effect).
The algorithm has been designed to prioritise dialog isolation in order to meet
delivery specifications, so in order to avoid 'over isolation' is is recommended
that the minimum suitable aggression is used to achieve the isolation
Note: This algorithm is designed for TV upmixing and restoration work in
particular and has been optimised for spoken word.
The controls may be used in a number of different ways.
a) If there is clear dialog separation in the original mix ie. the dialog is
consistent, has not been heavily treated with stereo effects, and the music &
FX are reasonably distinct (either largely stereo in nature, or spaced at
different times), simply engage the control and set the aggression % to the
minimum setting to achieve the desired isolation.
b) If the dialog is reasonably consistent, but there are sections where, due to
the aggression setting, there is an element of 'over isolation' into the centre
channel when dialog is not present, the Dialog Iso control can be automated
using an automation track so that the additional isolation is only present when
there is dialog in the stereo master.
c) If the dialog in the original mix has been treated with stereo effects, and/or
the music and FX are confused with the dialog, then a more involved process
may be required. In this situation, different levels of the aggression control
may well be more acceptable than others in different parts of the mix. The
aggression control can be automated to provide the minimum necessary,
whilst attaining the level of isolation required.
4 C LF Split (Centre Channel Low Frequency Split). This control allows for
psycho-acoustic distribution of the Center channel energy. If an original mix is
very narrow, or a very hard centred upmix is desired, it is possible that the
centre channel may overload. This can be amended by adjusting the overall
output levels, however if it is important to maintain a high degree of correlation
between the original mix and the downmmix, the C LF split control can be
used to move some of the low frequency energy into the Left and Right
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