
Table Of Contents
1 Vertical analysis. This dynamic real-time analysis view shows the energy
distribution of the audio output. Brighter sections indicate increased energy at
that position in the surround panorama. Colour can also be used to indicate
the speaker source of the audio in any position. This can be particularly useful
for balancing and examining the vertical position of differently sourced
2 Vertical distribution. These sliders are used to determine the distribution of
energy between the planar surround layer and the vertical (above or below)
audio space.
2a On-phase Vertical. This slider determines the amount of on-phase,
correlated signal derived from the planar surround layer, that is distributed
vertically. In general this is the 'core sound' and creates a sense of moving the
audio energy vertically, whilst retaining the 'space' in the planar surround layer.
2a Off-phase Vertical. This slider determines the amount of off-phase signal
that is distributed vertically, ie. Signal derived from the planar surround layer
with a correlation of less than 1. In general this contains a greater sense of
'ambience' and can be used to add air or space into the vertical distribution.
3 Link. Links the vertical controls together, maintaining a relative relationship, so
adjustments can be made in the vertical domain via a single control without
upsetting the relative balance.
4 Vertical exclude control. This control determines whether Centre channel
information is included in the vertical distribution. If active, the audio from the
selected channel will not be moved vertically. This can be useful for
example, when isolating dialogue into the front-centre position whilst
simultaneously adding ambience into the 3D space.
5 Output meter. Shows individual channel output levels. Clicking the
channel label allows for individual channel Mute (M) and Solo (S) control
depending upon the configuration determined in the settings panel. Muted
channels will show 'greyed out' meters as the audio is no longer contributing to
the audio output.
When the I/O panel is active, a surround view is substituted for the output level
meters, which are available in more detail in the main I/O panel.
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