PRO TT-2 Turntable
- The Leader in DJ Technology
©2000 Industries - 8 - http://www.numark.com
The following explains proper counterweight and anti-skating set up. Cartridge manufacturers usually specify
the proper settings.
a) Remove the stylus protector, do not touch the stylus tip during the adjustment.
b) Set the cueing lever to the lower position so it does not effect tone arm height.
c) Set Anti-skate adjustment to 0.
d) Place counterweight on the rear of the tone arm
e) Release the arm clamp and lift the tonearm from the arm rest so it moves freely.
f) Rotate the counterweight until the tonearm is approximately balanced horizontally (floats freely).
g) Refasten the tonearm with the arm clamp.
h) Hold the counterweight stationary with one hand and rotate only the stylus-
pressure ring to bring the number "O" of the ring into alignment with the center
line on the tonearm rear shaft.
i) Rotate the counterweight with scale ring clockwise to the correct stylus pressure
following the manufacturer's recommendation.
Note: Failure to follow recommended stylus pressure could damage both the
stylus and record. This can also seriously degrade performance.
j) Set the anti-skating control knob to the same value as the stylus pressure, unless
your manufacturer specifies otherwise.