User's Manual

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Proprietary and Confidential Revised 10-11-11
2. Choose the Trigger Source. Every Trigger Source is determined by an incoming message from
the tracker. In the case of triggering on payloads, the available payload fields are dependent on
the GPS Device Type as some fields are specific to certain devices.
3. Choose the desired Message Type, Payload Field, Operator and Value. See the screenshot to
see the configuration for a Trigger that will initiate a Datastream if the battery level gets below
4. Click Save.
5. Next, you must create an Action and assign Assets to it.
Figure 3: Create Trigger
Create Action. An Action combines a Delivery Method, a Trigger (or Triggers), and Assets to form a
1. Select Actions from the Datastream menu. Click Create New Action.
2. Choose the Device Type of the Action you wish to configure.
3. Choose the Trigger and/or Triggers you need for this Datastream. Choosing multiple Triggers will
require the choice of Trigger Logic between the two (or more) triggers. “AND” represents all of
the chosen Triggers, “OR” represents any of the Triggers.
4. Choose the Delivery Method(s) you want to configure to this Datastream.
5. Save the Action and move to Assign Assets to Action.
6. Scroll through the list of Assets and choose the Assets you wish to assign to this action. Use the
Ctrl key while selecting Assets to select multiple Assets or use the double arrow button to select
all Assets.
7. Click Save. You have now created a Datastream.