Getting Started Guide

FCC Hearing-Aid Compatibility (HAC)
The (model: N5002L (A7L)) has been tested for hearing aid compatibility. This device
has an M4 and T3 rating. When some wireless devices are used near some hearing
devices such as hearing aids and implants, users may detect abuzzing or humming
noise. Some hearing devices are more immune than others to this interference noise.
Wireless devices may also vary in the amount of interference they generate.
The ratings for compatibility of digital wireless devices with hearing aids are described
in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C63.19 standard:
M-Rating: Phones rated M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to generate
less interference with hearing devices than phone that are not labeled. M4 is the
better/higher of the two ratings. (N5002L (A7L)) is rated M4.
T-Rating: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC requirements and are likely be more usable
with hearing devices’ telecoil than unrated phones. T4 is the better/higher of the two
The device (model: N5002L (A7L)) is rated T3.
For information about hearing aids and digital wireless phones
FCC Hearing Aid Compatibility and Volume Control: