User's Manual

January 2010 - 18 -
Using Your Booted Devkit
Once you have installed a host OS onto your devkit, the platform support pack’s
documentation will describe how you can develop for that devkit OS using the already-
configured host PC. The platform support pack documentation for your selected OS image
should also include useful information on developing for that Tegra platform. Consult it for
additional details on the development process.
In addition to the platform support packs, other optional packs are available to assist in
development for the devkit, depending on OS:
A Windows XP/Vista/7 OpenKODE and OpenGL ES2.0 emulation wrapper, which
allows cross-platform application development. Code written to compile and run on
this PC-based, HW accelerated emulation “wrapper” can also be compiled and run on
the devkit using the aforementioned Windows CE 6.0 devkit platform pack.
A cross-platform application-level samples SDK including documentation, support
libraries and demos as source code, shader code, and art assets. These libraries and
demos can compile for the devkit under most Tegra operating systems, including
Windows CE 6.0, Linux and for the Windows desktop PC ES2 emulator as well, and
show how the Tegra’s multimedia capabilities can be unlocked via the Khronos media