User's Manual

January 2010 - 4 -
Getting Started: Overview
There are a few basic steps required to begin developing for the devkit:
1) Unpack the devkit components
2) Familiarize yourself with the components
Host PC Configuration:
1) Select your desired devkit operating system
2) Download the support pack for that operating system from the NVIDIA Tegra
developers website
3) Read the documentation provided with that support pack and install it to the
appropriate host PC
4) Download and install any host PC support SW as required by the platform support
pack’s documentation
Connecting the Devkit HW:
1) Locate/procure the required hardware accessories for the devkit (somewhat dependent
upon the selected devkit operating system image)
2) Select the desired video output based on your available display devices and the
operating system image
Installing the Operating System to the Devkit:
1) Follow the operating system image installation instructions provided with the support
2) Boot the devkit