User's Manual

User Manual of NZC110-EXT
Figure 3-1 Status
Overview: Status->Overview, This page shows the current configuration information of
the system, including the system, memory, network, DHCP leases, wireless, associated
stations, active UPnP redirects.
Firewall: Status - > firewall, showing the device's current IPv4 and IPv6 firewall; please
do not click on the "Reset Counters" and "Restart Firewall" without the guidance
of network manager, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.
Routes: Status - > Routes, this page display the active routes on the system.
System log: displaying the system log information of the device.
Kernel log: displaying the kernel log information of the device.
Processes: displaying the device system current process and its status information;
please do not click "Hang Up", "Terminate", "Kill" without the guidance of network
manager, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.
Real time Graphs: display the real-time load, traffic, and link information of the device.
Chapter 4 System
System page includes: System, Administration, Software, Startup, Scheduled Tasks,
Backup / Flash Firmware and Reboot sub-pages. The following aredescriptions of the
system, Administration, backup / upgrade and reboot sub-pages.
 System
Here you can configure the basic aspects of your device like its hostname or the time zone.