Technical information

Technical information
O&O Defrag - 69
File System Explanation
advantages compared to the older FAT. FAT32 drives are Windows-
supported by default and can be defragmented without any problem
using O&O Defrag.
The NT file system was developed completely new for the Windows
NT family. It offers the option of security restrictions on the file level,
increases the security against data errors, and achieves higher per-
It is supported by Windows. And O&O Defrag gets optimal results
when defragmenting NTFS drives.
EFS A file system introduced with Windows 2000 which is based on NTFS
and its encryption ensures higher data security against abuse or
unauthorized access. The Encrypted File System (EFS) makes data
for unauthorized users unreadable. O&O Defrag supports EFS hard
disks; neither data integrity nor data security is compromized.
Free space needed for defragmentation
The following limitations are valid for O&O Defrag. These are caused by Windows and cannot be circumvented.
Size of Drive
All drive sizes supported by Windows are supported by O&O Defrag.
O&O Defrag was optimized for use on file systems having an especially large number of files. The storage capacity of
a drive is therefore irrelevant.
Any number of folders can be defragmented. O&O Defrag has an optimized memory management which allows it to
record all file and folder information.
Free hard disk space
Drives without any free disk space cannot be defragmented. For the best possible results, at least 5% of the whole
hard disk capacity should be free. Files larger than the maximum free and connected storage space, may not be pos-
sible to defragment, and if so only with several runs.
To accelerate defragmentation, we recommend reserving at least 10-15% free hard disk space, however, this per-
centage decreases the higher the hard disk size is. What really matters is the size of the largest file that needs to be
defragmented or moved around. For an optimal defragmentation, the file should have enough connected storage space