How to Guide

Q What can be used to seal the No-Caulk ashing to the rooftop?
A 100% exterior or marine rated silicone caulk can be used to seal plastic base ashings to the rooftop.
Q What are the maximum temperature rating for roof ashings?
A Oatey Master Flash and Retro-Master Flash are rated for continuous temperatures up to 212°F. All other
Oatey ashings are rated for B venting, which are continuous temperatures up to 180°F.
Q How long should a roof ashing last?
A This question doesn’t have a correct answer because of many variables that could affect the life span of
a ashing. Examples are extreme heat, extreme cold, and hail.
Q Can standard No-Caulk roof ashings be installed on a metal roof?
A No. The Oatey Master Flash or Retro-Master Flash should be used in this application.
Q Can the Master Flash ashing be installed on a shingled roof?
A No. The Master Flash and Retro-Master Flash are specialty ashings designed for engineered roofs.
Q Does Oatey sell ashings used on tiled roofs?
A No. Oatey doesn’t have a ashing for tile roof applications, and the consumer should check with the roof
manufacture for approved products.
Q Is there a ashing made for roofs over a 45° angle (12/12 roof)?
A Yes. The Oatey High-Rise Thermoplastic All-Flash No-Caulk Flashing is designed for roof up to a 60°
angle (20/12 roof).