User's Manual

• Share, tap to send this picture to your friend or
upload it online.
• Edit, beatify the photo, and view the detailed
information of the photo.
• Tap the back button on photo interface to return to
the shoot mode.
3. Swipe the screen rightwards or leftwards to view the
next/previous picture.
4.4 Record a video
1. Open the camera, and swipe the screen rightwards
to display button , and switch to video mode.
2. Aim the camera lens at the object you want to
photograph and adjust it as desired.
3. Tap to start recording.
4. Tap to stop recording.
4.5 View a video
1. After a video is recorded, the video will be stored
automatically. Swipe the screen leftwards to view the
2. The following operations can be done:
• Delete, delete the video.