
Table Of Contents
Installation - "How to" guides
For information on how to conduct the installation itself, choose from the following topics:
l "Installation Wizard" on page31
l "Running Connect installer in Silent Mode" on page36
l "Installing PrintShop Mail Connect on Machines without Internet Access" on the next
For information on licensing, please see "Activating a License" on page44.
Installation prerequisites
l Make sure your system meets the System requirements.
PrintShop Mail Connect Version 2020.1 can be installed under a regular user account
with Administrator privileges., see "User accounts and security" below.
PrintShop Mail Connect must be installed on an NTFS file system.
PrintShop Mail Connect requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 already be installed on
the target system.
l Connect 2019.1 requires updated Connect License and/or Update Client.
See "Upgrading from previous Connect versions" on page53 for details.
User accounts and security
Connect requires local Windows Administrator rights when installing the software and
activating the software license. This is to allow read/write access to protected Windows folders
and registry entries.
Once installed Connect requires only standard Windows user credentials to run.
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