
Occurrences: The number of times that the delimiter is encountered before
fixing the boundary. For example, if you know that your documents always
have four pages delimited by the FF character, you can set the boundaries
whenever you counted four delimiters.
On Change: Defines a new Source Record when a specific field under the XML
level has a new value.
Field: Displays the fields that are under the XML level. The selected one's
value determines new boundaries.
The Data Samples Section
Instead of buttons listed below, you can also right-click to bring up the context menu which
offers the same options.
Add : Adds a new Data Sample from an external Data Source. The new Data Sample
will need to be of the same data type as the current one. For example, you can only add
PDF files to a PDF data mapping configuration. In version 1.3 and higher, multiple files
can be added simultaneously through the Add dialog.
Delete : Removes the current Data Sample from the data mapping configuration.
Replace : Opens a new Data Sample and replaces it with the contents of a different
data source.
Reload : Reloads the currently selected Data Sample and any changes that have been
made to it.
Set as Active : Activates the selected Data Sample. The active data sample is shown
in the Data Viewer after it has gone through the Preprocessor step as well as the Input
Data and Boundary settings.
The External JS Libraries Section
Right-clicking in the box brings up a control menu, also available through the buttons on the
Add : Adds a new external library. Opens the standard Open dialog to browse and
open the .js file.
Delete : Removes the currently selected library from the data mapping configuration.
Replace : Opens a new library and replaces it with the contents of a different js file.
Reload : Reloads the currently selected library and any changes that have been made
to it.
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