
Default Data Format
Default Format Settings can also be defined at the Datamapper configuration level (see
Datamapper Default Data Format for more information).
SQL Query Designer
The SQL Query Designer is used to design a custom SQL query to pull information from a
Tables: Lists all tables and stored queries in the database.
Custom Query: Displays the query that retries information from a database. Each
database type has their own version of the SQL query language. To learn how to build
your own query, please refer to your database's user manual.
Test Query button : Click to test the custom query to ensure it will retrieve the
appropriate information.
Results: Displays the result of the SQL query when clicking on Test Query.
The Steps Pane Interface
The Steps Pane displays each step of the workflow of which the primary goal is to extract data
from the data sample.
Window Controls
The following controls appear at the top of the Steps pane:
Zoom In (CTRL +) : Click to zoom in by increments of 10%
Zoom Out (CTRL -) : Click to zoom out by increments of 10%
Contextual Menu
You can access thecontextual menu using a right-click anywhere inside the Steps pane:
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