
Copy Step: To copy a step, right-click on it and select Copy Step or use the button in
the Toolbar. If the step is Repeat or Condition, all steps under it will also be placed in the
clipboard. If there is already a step in the clipboard, it will be overwritten. To place a copy
of the step at its destination, right-click the step in the position before the desired location
and select Paste Step, or use the button in the Toolbar.
Viewing step details: To see details for the step, click on the step to show its properties
in the Step Properties pane. Hovering over the task shows a tooltip that displays some of
the details as well as the property name and comment.
Step Properties
The Step Properties pane displays the properties for any step selected in the Steps Pane.
Step properties may also depend on the Data Sample's file type.
Preprocessor Step
Extract Step
Action Step
Repeat Step
Condition Step
Goto Step
Postprocessor Step
Preprocessor Step Properties
The Preprocessor step does not run for every Source Record in the Data Sample. It runs once,
at the beginning of the Steps, before anything else.
Fixed Automation Properties
The Fixed automation properties section lists all the fixed properties available from the
PlanetPress Workflow automation module. These properties are equivalent to data available
within the PlanetPress Workflow process. For each property, the following is available:
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