
Building String Values
Strings values can be made up of more than just a series of characters between quotes. Here
are a few tips and tricks to build strings:
l Both single and double quotes can be used to surround strings and they will act in
precisely the same manner. So, "this is a string" and 'this is a string' mean the same
thing. However, it's useful to have both in order to remove the need for escaping
characters. For instance, "I'm fine!" works, but 'I'm fine!' does not since only 'I' is
properly interpreted. 'I\'m fine!' works (escaping the ' with a \).
l It is possible to put more than one string, as well as variables containing strings, by
concatenating them with the +operator. For example,"Hello " +
sourceRecord.property.FirstName + ", nice to meet you!".
l Adding more data to an existing string variable or field is possible using a combination of
concatenation and assignment. For example, if var myVar = "Is this the real life";,
andmyVar += " or is this just fantasy?";, the value ofmyVarwill be, obviously,"Is this
the real life or is this just fantasy?".
For more information on string variables, see quicksmode.org.
HTML String Data Type
HTML Strings contain textual data that includes HTML Markup. They are essentially the same
as String values except in cases where HTML can be treated differently. For instance, when
using a script to place an HTML String field into a template, the contents will be HTML instead
of plain text.
Example: Assuming a value of "He said <b>WOW!</b>"; , if the data type is String and placed
on the page, it will display exactly as "He said <b>WOW!</b>" (without the quotes). If the data
type is HTMLString, it will display as "He said WOW!" (again, without the quotes).
Considering this is the only difference, for more information on how to create and use HTML
String values, see String values.
Integer Data Type
Integers are signed, numeric, whole 64bit numbers whose value ranges from -(2^63) to
(2^63).Integersare the numerals with the highest precision (and the fastest processing speed)
of all since theyare never rounded.
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