
Building Currency Values
Currency values can be the result of direct attribution or mathematical operations just like
Integer and Float values.
Date Data Type
Dates are values that represent a specific point in time, precise up to the second. They can also
be referred to as datetime values. While dates are shown visually under the system's regional
settings, in reality they are stored unformatted.
The Date variable is stored in Connect database with zero time zone offset, which makes it
possible to convert the time correctly in any location. PlanetPress Worfklow, however, shows the
date/time as it is stored database (with 0 time zone offset). This is expected behavior for the moment
and the zone offset must be calculated manually in PlanetPress Workflow.
Defining Date Values
Because dates can be in many different formats and variations, the use of the JavaScript Date()
object is necessary when creating dates through a JavaScript expression. For more
information, see w3schools - Date Object.
Pre-Processor: Specify the "Type" as "Date" and set a default value as a date value in
any desired format, such as "[TBD]";
Extraction: Specify the "Type" as "Date" and set the Data Format, especially the
"DateTime Format" that defines how the date is read. The field value will be extracted and
treated as a Date.
JavaScript Expression: Set the desired value to any date value.
Example: record.fields["InvoiceDate"] = "[TBD]";
Object Data Type
Objects holds addresses that refer to objects. You can assign any reference type (string, array,
class, or interface) to an Object variable. An Object variable can also refer to data of any value
type (numeric, Boolean, Char, Date, structure, or enumeration).
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