
the clicked element, as well as the HTML tags of other elements to which the clicked element
belongs. The clicked element is at the end of the line.
To edit the HTMLtext directly:
l In the workspace, toggle to the Source tab.
On this tab you can view and edit the content of the template in the form of plain text with HTML
tags (note the angle brackets: <>). You may add and edit the text and the HTML tags, classes,
IDs and other attributes.
To learn more about HTML, see for example https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Introduction and http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp.
Many video courses and hands-on courses about HTML (and CSS) are offered on the Internet
as well, some for free. Go, for example, to www.codeschool.com or www.codeacademy.com
and look for HTML (and CSS) courses.
ID and class
Every element in the content of a template can have an ID and a class. ID's and classes are
particularly useful with regard to variable data (see "Personalizing Content" on page 325) and
styling (see "Styling templates with CSS files" on page 399).
You can specify an ID and/or class when you add the element to the content.
To add an ID and/or class to an element that has already been added to a template, select the
element (see "Selecting an element" on page 227) and type an ID and/or a class in the
respective fields on the Attributes pane at the top right.
Other attributes
Apart from the ID and class, elements can have a varying number of properties, or 'attributes' as
they're called in HTML (see "Editing HTML" on the previous page). Which properties an
element has, depends on the element itself. An image, for example, has at least four attributes:
src (the image's URL), alt (alternate text), width and height. These attributes are visible on the
Attributes pane when you click an image in the content.
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