
validation. For more information about Forms, see "Forms" on page 269. For more information
about elements in Forms, see http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp.
Types of Form Elements
A fieldset is a group of related elements in a form. The elements don't have to be of the same
type. After inserting and selecting the Fieldset (see "Selecting an element" on page 227) you
can add elements to it in the same way you add elements to a Form; see "Adding elements to a
Form" on page 275.
The Text element is a simple <input> element with the type text. It accepts any alphanumerical
characters, including special characters. The string is HTML-encoded before it is submitted to
the server.
The Email element is a text input field that accepts only email addresses in a valid format.
The URL element is a text input field that accepts only URLs (a web page address) in a valid
The Password element is a password field that accepts any alphanumerical characters. When
the user types in this field, characters are shown as asterisks only.
The Number element is a text field accepting only numbers.
The Date element is a text field accepting only dates in a valid format.
Text area
The Text area element is a text field accepting multiple paragraphs. You can set a number of
rows when adding the Text Area to the Form, and change it on the Attributes pane.
Hidden field
A hidden field can contain specific data used by the server-side script. It is not visible to the
user. When adding a Hidden Field you can set the value that will be sent on submit.
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